Fort Reno project 090424: Topography

So I want to study the park with as much detail as possible. I’ve been spending a lot of time there just observing, which is always the cornerstone of good design, but I’ve also been trying to understand the area objectively. Logically, the place to start is with the ground, so here is a topographic map I’ve put together.

Topographic maps represent altitude using lines called contours. The closer contours are to each other, the steeper the slope, the further, the flatter. The contours start here at 62m and end at 130m.

After the fold, there are other, cooler maps that show height using shading.

First, showing height as a concentration of sorts of contour plates. You can click on these images to get much bigger versions, if you can’t see all that well.

Darker areas are higher, lighter ones are lower. The courses of streams and streets can be traced

What I find so interesting about these maps is that they show the way the geography of the area has been altered to make the grid pattern work. So you can see that more clearly toward the top of the mountains in this one, where several areas are visibly artificial, here is an inverted map.


Lastly, here is one that combines the figure-ground map with the topo lines to make it a little clearer.

Together, the topography stands out pretty well. It changes the way you perceive the hills you walk over.

Soon, I will produce maps of housing, streets, sidewalks, land use, height, and other factors as they come up. I’ll use these maps to create a pedestrian shed, sightlines, and actually begin rendering developing serious schematic plans.

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